Ultimate Coding Foundation – C, C++, DSA and STL Batch 5.0 | ONLINE LIVE Classes
Course Name
Ultimate Coding Foundation – C, C++, DSA and STL Batch 5.0
- No prior programming knowledge is required, just have a zeal to learn programming.
- For online LIVE classes, you must have an account at https://premium.mysirg.com | it’s free to create.
- You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to https://premium.mysirg.com, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
- You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
- Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.
- 27 Jan 2025 to 30 Jul 2025 | Mon-Wed-Fri | 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM
Saurabh Shukla (MySirG)
Hindi | Notes in English
10000/- (Tax Inclusive)
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- Course completion certificate
- Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
- Programming Assignments | 700+ practice questions
- Solution of Assignments with source code
- Doubt handling during the course.
- Discussion Forum
- Logic Building Training
- Object Oriented Programming
- Standard Template Library
- DSA using C++
- Technical Support for the platform
- Project
- Introduction to C Language
- Fundamentals of Computers
- What is Programming
- History of C Language
- Version History
- How software can be developed in C Language
- Installation of VS Code
- using IDE
- First Program
- Basics of C Language
- Tokens
- white space
- Constants
- Variables
- Keywords
- Comments
- Data Types
- Variable Declarations
- Output instruction in C
- Input instruction in C
- Operators in C
- Control Statements in C Language
- Decision Control introduction
- if statement
- if else statement
- conditional operator
- Nested if else
- if else ladder
- Iterative Control
- while loop
- do while loop
- for loop
- break
- continue
- Nested loop
- Star Pattern Problems
- switch case control
- menu driven programs
- Functions and Recursion
- Function Introduction
- Function call vs Function Definition
- Predefined and user-defined functions
- Flow of program containing multiple functions
- Benefits of function
- Ways to define a function
- Takes nothing returns nothing
- Take Something returns nothing
- Takes Nothing Return Something
- Take Something, Return Something
- Header file and Library Files
- Recursion
- Recursion Tree
- Approach to recursive solution
- Arrays and String
- Array Introduction
- Array Declaration Rules
- Bound Checking
- Sorting
- Function Call by Passing Arrays
- Two Dimensional Arrays
- Multi-dimensional Arrays
- Introduction to Strings
- null character
- user input
- String Functions
- Function Call by Passing String
- Handling Multiple Strings
- Pointer Structure and DMA
- Introduction to Pointer
- concept of memory address
- referencing and dereferencing operators
- size of pointer
- Concept of Base Address
- Data type of pointer
- extended concept of pointers
- pointer’s arithmetic
- Call by reference
- Pointer and arrays
- pointer and strings
- array of pointers
- pointer to an array
- wild pointer
- NULL pointer
- Dangling pointer
- void pointer
- Structure Introduction
- Primitive and Non primitive data type
- defining structure
- local definition vs global definition of structure
- declaring structure variable
- structure variable initialization during declaration
- structure variable initialization after declaration
- taking input from user
- structure array
- function returning structure
- function call by passing structure
- structure pointer
- SMA vs DMA
- malloc function
- calloc function
- Type casting
- Memory Leak
- free function
- realloc function
- Basics of C++
- History of C++
- Version History of C++
- Comparison with C
- Introduction to OOP
- Key Principles of OOP
- Software development using C++
- First C++ Program
- cout statement
- cin statement
- iostream header
- namespaces
- using keyword
- endl
- Functions in C++
- inline function
- default arguments
- reference variables
- Call by value
- Call by address
- Call by reference
- Polymorphism
- Function Overloading
- Classes and Objects
- Structure in C vs Structure in C++
- Encapsulation
- Encapsulation through structure
- Encapsulation through class
- Classes and Objects
- Access specifier
- Instance Members
- Static members
- Function call by passing object and returning object
- Function Polymorphism (Function overloading)
- Constructor
- Constructor overloading
- Default constructor
- Copy constructor
- Destructor
- Deep copy Vs swallow copy
- Abstraction in c++
- Data hiding in c++
- Private constructor in C++
- Operator Overloading and friend
- Operator Overloading
- Overloading of pre and post increment operator
- Friend Function
- Friend operator
- Benefits of Friend function
- Overloading of insertion and extraction operator
- Overloading of various other operators
- Memory Management with Pointers
- What is Memory Management?
- Why is memory management required?
- Object Pointer
- The this pointer
- New Operator
- Delete Operator
- Memory Leak
- Inheritance
- C++ Inheritance
- Advantage of C++ Inheritance
- Types Of Inheritance
- Single inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Hierarchical inheritance
- Multilevel inheritance
- Hybrid inheritance
- Visibility mode in inheritance
- Public , private and protected
- Constructor and destructor in inheritance
- Diamond problem
- Function Overloading
- Function overriding
- Function hiding
- Base pointer
- Virtual function
- Pure Virtual function
- Abstract class in c++
- Virtual destructor
- Exception Handling
- History of Exception handling
- Error Vs exception
- Run time Exception and compile time Exception
- C++ Standard Exceptions
- Demo of exception one by one
- Try
- Catch
- Throw
- Catch all
- Define New Exceptions
- Handle Any Type of Exceptions
- File Management in C++
- What is file handling?
- Introduction to stream
- ofstream
- ifstream
- fstream
- Txt file vs binary file
- Opening a File
- Mode of file opening
- Writing data to a File
- appending data to a file
- Reading data from a File
- Close a File
- Object by object reading and writing
- Renaming a file
- Removing a file
- File Position Pointers
- Data Structures and its Implementation
- Introduction to Data Structures
- Why you should learn data structure?
- use case of data structure
- Why product based companies focus on data structure
- All About Arrays
- Down side of using conventional arrays
- Array data structure
- Dynamic Arrays
- Linked List
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Circular Linked List
- Circular Doubly Linked List
- Various Problems on Linked Lists
- Stack and Queue
- Stack Introduction
- Implementation of Stack using arrays
- Implementation of Stack using Linked List
- Queue Introduction
- Implementation of Queue using arrays
- Implementation of Queue using Linked List
- Deque – Double Ended Queue
- Priority Queue
- Recursion and Backtracking
- Recursion Basics
- Approach to solve recursive problems
- Recursion vs iteration
- Types of recursion
- Sorting
- Bubble Sort
- Modified Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Searching and Hashing
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Hashing
- Tree
- Binary Tree
- Types of Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Implementation of Binary Search Tree
- Heap
- Heap Introduction
- Implementation of Heap
- Heap Sort
- Graph
- Graph Concept
- Graph Representation
- BFS and DFS
- Types of Algorithms
- Divide and Conquer
- Greedy Method
- Dynamic Programming
- Standard Template Library
- Template
- Overview of STL
- Iterator
- Types of Iterators
- Sequence Containers
- Vector
- List
- Deque
- Arrays
- forward_list
- Container Adaptor
- Queue
- Priority Queue
- Stack
- Associative Containers
- Set
- Multiset
- Map
- Multimap
- Unordered Associative Containers
- Unordered set
- Unordered multiset
- Unordered map
- Unordered multimap
- Functors
- Function Pointers
- lambda
- String
- Pair
- Tuple
- Algorithms
How to take admission?
LIVE classes will start from 27-Jan 2025. You can attend LIVE class or even you can watch recordings of LIVE class any number of times just after the class till the subscription period.
Admission Link will be coming soon in the end of Dec 2025