Ultimate Coding Foundation – C, C++, DSA and STL Batch 5.0 | ONLINE LIVE Classes
Course Name
Ultimate Coding Foundation – C, C++, DSA and STL Batch 5.0
- No prior programming knowledge is required, just have a zeal to learn programming.
- For online LIVE classes, you must have an account at https://premium.mysirg.com | it’s free to create.
- You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to https://premium.mysirg.com, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
- You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
- Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.
- 27 Jan 2025 to 30 Jul 2025 | Mon-Wed-Fri | 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM
Saurabh Shukla (MySirG)
Hindi | Notes in English
10000/- (Tax Inclusive)
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- Course completion certificate
- Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
- Programming Assignments | 700+ practice questions
- Solution of Assignments with source code
- Doubt handling during the course.
- Discussion Forum
- Logic Building Training
- Object Oriented Programming
- Standard Template Library
- DSA using C++
- Technical Support for the platform
- Project
- Introduction to C Language
- Fundamentals of Computers
- What is Programming
- History of C Language
- Version History
- How software can be developed in C Language
- Installation of VS Code
- using IDE
- First Program
- Basics of C Language
- Tokens
- white space
- Constants
- Variables
- Keywords
- Comments
- Data Types
- Variable Declarations
- Output instruction in C
- Input instruction in C
- Operators in C
- Control Statements in C Language
- Decision Control introduction
- if statement
- if else statement
- conditional operator
- Nested if else
- if else ladder
- Iterative Control
- while loop
- do while loop
- for loop
- break
- continue
- Nested loop
- Star Pattern Problems
- switch case control
- menu driven programs
- Functions and Recursion
- Function Introduction
- Function call vs Function Definition
- Predefined and user-defined functions
- Flow of program containing multiple functions
- Benefits of function
- Ways to define a function
- Takes nothing returns nothing
- Take Something returns nothing
- Takes Nothing Return Something
- Take Something, Return Something
- Header file and Library Files
- Recursion
- Recursion Tree
- Approach to recursive solution
- Arrays and String
- Array Introduction
- Array Declaration Rules
- Bound Checking
- Sorting
- Function Call by Passing Arrays
- Two Dimensional Arrays
- Multi-dimensional Arrays
- Introduction to Strings
- null character
- user input
- String Functions
- Function Call by Passing String
- Handling Multiple Strings
- Pointer Structure and DMA
- Introduction to Pointer
- concept of memory address
- referencing and dereferencing operators
- size of pointer
- Concept of Base Address
- Data type of pointer
- extended concept of pointers
- pointer’s arithmetic
- Call by reference
- Pointer and arrays
- pointer and strings
- array of pointers
- pointer to an array
- wild pointer
- NULL pointer
- Dangling pointer
- void pointer
- Structure Introduction
- Primitive and Non primitive data type
- defining structure
- local definition vs global definition of structure
- declaring structure variable
- structure variable initialization during declaration
- structure variable initialization after declaration
- taking input from user
- structure array
- function returning structure
- function call by passing structure
- structure pointer
- SMA vs DMA
- malloc function
- calloc function
- Type casting
- Memory Leak
- free function
- realloc function
- Basics of C++
- History of C++
- Version History of C++
- Comparison with C
- Introduction to OOP
- Key Principles of OOP
- Software development using C++
- First C++ Program
- cout statement
- cin statement
- iostream header
- namespaces
- using keyword
- endl
- Functions in C++
- inline function
- default arguments
- reference variables
- Call by value
- Call by address
- Call by reference
- Polymorphism
- Function Overloading
- Classes and Objects
- Structure in C vs Structure in C++
- Encapsulation
- Encapsulation through structure
- Encapsulation through class
- Classes and Objects
- Access specifier
- Instance Members
- Static members
- Function call by passing object and returning object
- Function Polymorphism (Function overloading)
- Constructor
- Constructor overloading
- Default constructor
- Copy constructor
- Destructor
- Deep copy Vs swallow copy
- Abstraction in c++
- Data hiding in c++
- Private constructor in C++
- Operator Overloading and friend
- Operator Overloading
- Overloading of pre and post increment operator
- Friend Function
- Friend operator
- Benefits of Friend function
- Overloading of insertion and extraction operator
- Overloading of various other operators
- Memory Management with Pointers
- What is Memory Management?
- Why is memory management required?
- Object Pointer
- The this pointer
- New Operator
- Delete Operator
- Memory Leak
- Inheritance
- C++ Inheritance
- Advantage of C++ Inheritance
- Types Of Inheritance
- Single inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Hierarchical inheritance
- Multilevel inheritance
- Hybrid inheritance
- Visibility mode in inheritance
- Public , private and protected
- Constructor and destructor in inheritance
- Diamond problem
- Function Overloading
- Function overriding
- Function hiding
- Base pointer
- Virtual function
- Pure Virtual function
- Abstract class in c++
- Virtual destructor
- Exception Handling
- History of Exception handling
- Error Vs exception
- Run time Exception and compile time Exception
- C++ Standard Exceptions
- Demo of exception one by one
- Try
- Catch
- Throw
- Catch all
- Define New Exceptions
- Handle Any Type of Exceptions
- File Management in C++
- What is file handling?
- Introduction to stream
- ofstream
- ifstream
- fstream
- Txt file vs binary file
- Opening a File
- Mode of file opening
- Writing data to a File
- appending data to a file
- Reading data from a File
- Close a File
- Object by object reading and writing
- Renaming a file
- Removing a file
- File Position Pointers
- Data Structures and its Implementation
- Introduction to Data Structures
- Why you should learn data structure?
- use case of data structure
- Why product based companies focus on data structure
- All About Arrays
- Down side of using conventional arrays
- Array data structure
- Dynamic Arrays
- Linked List
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Circular Linked List
- Circular Doubly Linked List
- Various Problems on Linked Lists
- Stack and Queue
- Stack Introduction
- Implementation of Stack using arrays
- Implementation of Stack using Linked List
- Queue Introduction
- Implementation of Queue using arrays
- Implementation of Queue using Linked List
- Deque – Double Ended Queue
- Priority Queue
- Recursion and Backtracking
- Recursion Basics
- Approach to solve recursive problems
- Recursion vs iteration
- Types of recursion
- Sorting
- Bubble Sort
- Modified Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Searching and Hashing
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Hashing
- Tree
- Binary Tree
- Types of Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Implementation of Binary Search Tree
- Heap
- Heap Introduction
- Implementation of Heap
- Heap Sort
- Graph
- Graph Concept
- Graph Representation
- BFS and DFS
- Types of Algorithms
- Divide and Conquer
- Greedy Method
- Dynamic Programming
- Standard Template Library
- Template
- Overview of STL
- Iterator
- Types of Iterators
- Sequence Containers
- Vector
- List
- Deque
- Arrays
- forward_list
- Container Adaptor
- Queue
- Priority Queue
- Stack
- Associative Containers
- Set
- Multiset
- Map
- Multimap
- Unordered Associative Containers
- Unordered set
- Unordered multiset
- Unordered map
- Unordered multimap
- Functors
- Function Pointers
- lambda
- String
- Pair
- Tuple
- Algorithms
How to take admission?
LIVE classes will start from 27-Jan 2025. You can attend LIVE class or even you can watch recordings of LIVE class any number of times just after the class till the subscription period.