Java SE & DSA: From Beginner to Pro in One Course

Java SE & DSA: From Beginner to Pro in One Course (ONLINE LIVE Classes)

Course Name
Java SE & DSA: From Beginner to Pro in One Course


  • You should know C++ Language.
  • For online LIVE classes, you must have an account at
  • You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
  • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
  • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


  • 29-Jul-2024 to 25 Jan 2025 | Mon-Wed-Fri | 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM


Saurabh Shukla


Hindi | Notes in English


8000/- (Tax Inclusive)
Click here for admission

Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


  • Course completion certificate
  • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Programming Assignments | 300+ practice questions
  • Notes (Downloadable)
  • Doubt handling during the course.
  • Discussion Forum
  • Projects


Introduction:History, Version History, Flavours of Java, JDK, JRE, JVM, Features of Java, Java as a language, Java as a platform, Explore First Java Program

Variables and Types:Data Types, Type conversion, Operators in Java

Conditional Statements:decision control, switch, comparison with C/C++

Iterative Control:while, for, do while, break, continue, labelled break and continue

Arrays:Single Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Jagged Array, Non Primitive one dimensional array, non primitive 2d arrays, enhanced for loop

Classes and Objects:Encapsulation, class, defining class, members, new operator, instantiation, comparison of object creation with C++, Memory allocation, Access Specifiers, constructors, reference variables (comparison with C++)

this reference:this for instance variables, calling constructor using this

static:static variable and it’s need, class loading, static methods, static block, initializer block

Inheritance:What and Why Inheritance, Types of Inheritance, Inheriting Class, super, constructor chaining, method overloading, method hiding, method overriding, Object class, Garbage Collection and finalized() method

Polymorphism:Physical Significance of Polymorphism and it’s use, early and late binding, compile time polymorphism, runtime polymorphism (dynamic method dispatch), casting objects

Abstract:Abstract Methods, Abstract Class, Inheritance using abstract class, runtime polymorphism using abstract class

final:final variable, final method, final class, abstract vs final, abstract vs private

Interface:interface, interface vs abstract class, interface as a global constant, inheritance using interface, multiple inheritance using interface, runtime polymorphism using interface, New features in interface (Java8 & Java9)

Packages:Understanding Packages, creating packages, import

Exception Handling:What are exceptions, exception handling, types of exception, class hierarchy of Exceptions, try catch, nested try catch, multiple catch clauses, user defined exceptions, throw, getMessage(), toString(), printStackTrace(), checked exception and throws keyword, finally block

Multithreading:Understanding Threads, creating threads with Thread class, stack maintenance for thread, volatile, types of threads, Runnable interface, Thread priorities, sleep(), join(), yield() , Thread Synchronization (wait(), notify(), notifyAll()), synchronized blocks and methods, semaphore, deadlock

Strings:String class, operations on Strings, StringBuffer, StringBuilder, Array of Strings

Swing and AWT:Understanding GUI, AWT, and swing, creating Frames, Attaching components, Event Handling, Dialogue Boxes, Project

Nested or Inner Classes:static Nested class, Inner Class, Anonymous class

Streams and File Handling:Streams, Need of File handling, Byte Stream Classes, Character Stream Classes, Reading Writing Files

Lambda:lambda and it’s need, functional programming in java, functional interface, type inference in lambdas, method references using lambda

JDBC:Database, DBMS, SQL basics, CRUD, Project

Data Structures:

  • Introduction to Data Structure
  • Array and its implementation
  • Dynamic Array and its implementation
  • singly linked list
  • doubly linked list
  • circular linked list
  • circular doubly linked list
  • stack and its implementation(using array and linked list)
  • queue and its implementation (using array and linked list)
  • Recursion
  • binary search tree and its implementation
  • Heap
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Hashing
  • graph and its implementation
  • Time Complexity
  • Types of Algorithms
  • LIVE classes will start from 29th Jul 2024. You can attend LIVE class or even you can watch recordings of LIVE class any number of times just after the class till the subscription period.

    Click here for admission

    Ultimate Coding Foundation – C, C++, DSA and STL

    Ultimate Coding Foundation – C, C++, DSA and STL | ONLINE LIVE Classes

    Course Name
    Ultimate Coding Foundation – C, C++, DSA and STL


    • No prior programming knowledge is required, just have a zeal to learn programming.
    • For online LIVE classes, you must have an account at | it’s free to create.
    • You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
    • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
    • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


    • 11 Jul 2024 to 10 Jan 2025 | Sun-Tue-Thu | 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM


    Saurabh Shukla


    Hindi | Notes in English


    10000/- (Tax Inclusive)

    Click here for admission

    Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


    • Course completion certificate
    • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
    • Programming Assignments | 700+ practice questions
    • Solution of Assignments with source code
    • Doubt handling during the course.
    • Discussion Forum
    • Logic Building Training
    • Object Oriented Programming
    • Standard Template Library
    • DSA using C++
    • Technical Support for the platform
    • Projects


      Introduction to C Language

    • Fundamentals of Computers
    • What is Programming
    • History of C Language
    • Version History
    • How software can be developed in C Language
    • IDE
    • Installation of VS Code
    • using IDE
    • First Program
      Basics of C Language

    • Tokens
    • white space
    • Constants
    • Variables
    • Keywords
    • Comments
    • Data Types
    • Variable Declarations
    • Output instruction in C
    • Input instruction in C
    • Operators in C
      Control Statements in C Language

    • Decision Control introduction
    • if statement
    • if else statement
    • conditional operator
    • Nested if else
    • if else ladder
    • Iterative Control
    • while loop
    • do while loop
    • for loop
    • break
    • continue
    • Nested loop
    • Star Pattern Problems
    • switch case control
    • menu driven programs
      Functions and Recursion

    • Function Introduction
    • Function call vs Function Definition
    • Predefined and user-defined functions
    • Flow of program containing multiple functions
    • Benefits of function
    • Ways to define a function
    • Takes nothing returns nothing
    • Take Something returns nothing
    • Takes Nothing Return Something
    • Take Something, Return Something
    • Header file and Library Files
    • Recursion
    • Recursion Tree
    • Approach to recursive solution
      Arrays and String

    • Array Introduction
    • Array Declaration Rules
    • Bound Checking
    • Sorting
    • Function Call by Passing Arrays
    • Two Dimensional Arrays
    • Multi-dimensional Arrays
    • Introduction to Strings
    • null character
    • user input
    • String Functions
    • Function Call by Passing String
    • Handling Multiple Strings
      Pointer Structure and DMA

    • Introduction to Pointer
    • concept of memory address
    • referencing and dereferencing operators
    • size of pointer
    • Concept of Base Address
    • Data type of pointer
    • extended concept of pointers
    • pointer’s arithmetic
    • Call by reference
    • Pointer and arrays
    • pointer and strings
    • array of pointers
    • pointer to an array
    • wild pointer
    • NULL pointer
    • Dangling pointer
    • void pointer
    • Structure Introduction
    • Primitive and Non primitive data type
    • defining structure
    • local definition vs global definition of structure
    • declaring structure variable
    • structure variable initialization during declaration
    • structure variable initialization after declaration
    • taking input from user
    • structure array
    • function returning structure
    • function call by passing structure
    • structure pointer
    • SMA vs DMA
    • malloc function
    • calloc function
    • Type casting
    • Memory Leak
    • free function
    • realloc function
      Basics of C++

    • History of C++
    • Version History of C++
    • Comparison with C
    • Introduction to OOP
    • Key Principles of OOP
    • Software development using C++
    • First C++ Program
    • cout statement
    • cin statement
    • iostream header
    • namespaces
    • using keyword
    • endl
      Functions in C++

    • inline function
    • default arguments
    • reference variables
    • Call by value
    • Call by address
    • Call by reference
    • Polymorphism
    • Function Overloading
      Classes and Objects

    • Structure in C vs Structure in C++
    • Encapsulation
    • Encapsulation through structure
    • Encapsulation through class
    • Classes and Objects
    • Access specifier
    • Instance Members
    • Static members
    • Function call by passing object and returning object
    • Function Polymorphism (Function overloading)
    • Constructor
    • Constructor overloading
    • Default constructor
    • Copy constructor
    • Destructor
    • Deep copy Vs swallow copy
    • Abstraction in c++
    • Data hiding in c++
    • Private constructor in C++
      Operator Overloading and friend

    • Operator Overloading
    • Overloading of pre and post increment operator
    • Friend Function
    • Friend operator
    • Benefits of Friend function
    • Overloading of insertion and extraction operator
    • Overloading of various other operators
      Memory Management with Pointers

    • What is Memory Management?
    • Why is memory management required?
    • Object Pointer
    • The this pointer
    • New Operator
    • Delete Operator
    • Memory Leak

    • C++ Inheritance
    • Advantage of C++ Inheritance
    • Types Of Inheritance
    • Single inheritance
    • Multiple inheritance
    • Hierarchical inheritance
    • Multilevel inheritance
    • Hybrid inheritance
    • Visibility mode in inheritance
    • Public , private and protected
    • Constructor and destructor in inheritance
    • Diamond problem
    • Function Overloading
    • Function overriding
    • Function hiding
    • Base pointer
    • Virtual function
    • Pure Virtual function
    • Abstract class in c++
    • Virtual destructor
      Exception Handling

    • History of Exception handling
    • Error Vs exception
    • Run time Exception and compile time Exception
    • C++ Standard Exceptions
    • Demo of exception one by one
    • Try
    • Catch
    • Throw
    • Catch all
    • Define New Exceptions
    • Handle Any Type of Exceptions
      File Management in C++

    • What is file handling?
    • Introduction to stream
    • ofstream
    • ifstream
    • fstream
    • Txt file vs binary file
    • Opening a File
    • Mode of file opening
    • Writing data to a File
    • appending data to a file
    • Reading data from a File
    • Close a File
    • Object by object reading and writing
    • Renaming a file
    • Removing a file
    • File Position Pointers
      Data Structures and its Implementation

    • Introduction to Data Structures
    • Why you should learn data structure?
    • use case of data structure
    • Why product based companies focus on data structure
      All About Arrays

    • Down side of using conventional arrays
    • Array data structure
    • Dynamic Arrays
      Linked List

    • Singly Linked List
    • Doubly Linked List
    • Circular Linked List
    • Circular Doubly Linked List
    • Various Problems on Linked Lists
      Stack and Queue

    • Stack Introduction
    • Implementation of Stack using arrays
    • Implementation of Stack using Linked List
    • Queue Introduction
    • Implementation of Queue using arrays
    • Implementation of Queue using Linked List
    • Deque – Double Ended Queue
    • Priority Queue
      Recursion and Backtracking

    • Recursion Basics
    • Approach to solve recursive problems
    • Recursion vs iteration
    • Types of recursion

    • Bubble Sort
    • Modified Bubble Sort
    • Selection Sort
    • Insertion Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Merge Sort
      Searching and Hashing

    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
    • Hashing

    • Binary Tree
    • Types of Binary Tree
    • Binary Search Tree
    • Implementation of Binary Search Tree
    • AVL Tree

    • Heap Introduction
    • Implementation of Heap
    • Heap Sort

    • Graph Concept
    • Graph Representation
    • BFS and DFS
      Types of Algorithms

    • Divide and Conquer
    • Greedy Method
    • Dynamic Programming
      Standard Template Library

    • Template
    • Overview of STL
    • Iterator
    • Types of Iterators
    • Sequence Containers
    • Vector
    • List
    • Deque
    • Arrays
    • forward_list
    • Container Adaptor
    • Queue
    • Priority Queue
    • Stack
    • Associative Containers
    • Set
    • Multiset
    • Map
    • Multimap
    • Unordered Associative Containers
    • Unordered set
    • Unordered multiset
    • Unordered map
    • Unordered multimap
    • Functors
    • Function Pointers
    • lambda
    • String
    • Pair
    • Tuple
    • Algorithms

    How to take admission?

    LIVE classes will start from 11th Jul 2024. You can attend LIVE class or even you can watch recordings of LIVE class any number of times just after the class till the subscription period.

    Click here for admission

    Full Stack Web Development Masterclass

    Full Stack Web Development Masterclass | Online LIVE

    Course Name
    Full Stack Web Development Masterclass | Python-React-Django


    • No prior programming knowledge is required, just have a zeal to learn programming. Although we always recommend you to learn C language first to build your problem solving ability.
    • You must have an account at | it’s free to create. This is the place from where you can watch all the video lessons, LIVE classes, Assignments, Notes, Certificate, etc.
    • To access course content from your laptop of computer, login to, go to your course and play videos or access other content
    • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
    • Remember, our mobile app works only for Android phones. Web apps will work only on MS Windows and macOS through Chrome or MS Edge browser
    • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


    • 2 Apr 2024 to 28 Jun 2024 (Live classes duration)
    • Tue and Thu from 9 PM to 10:30 PM
    • Fri from 7:30 to 8:30 PM
    • Subscription of the course will be for 2 yrs from the date of purchase


    Saurabh Shukla


    Hindi | Notes in English


    Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


    • Course completion certificate
    • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
    • 25+ Projects
    • Complete Python course (Prerecorded)
    • 50 Assignments with Solutions
    • Notes (downloadable pdf)
    • Discussion Forum
    • Technical Support

    Below content will be covered in prerecorded videos

      Introduction to Python

    • Evolution of Python Language
    • Version History
    • Installation and setup
    • PVM
    • How to develop and run Python programs?
      Python Basics

    • Comments
    • Data or Constants
    • Variables
    • Data Types
    • Memory Management
    • print Method
    • keywords
    • import
    • Type Conversion
    • Taking input from user
    • Operators
      Control Statements in Python

    • Decision Control Statements
    • if statement
    • if else statement
    • if elif else
    • Nested if else
    • Single line if else
    • match statement
    • Iterative Control
    • while loop
    • break, continue, pass
    • for loop
    • else with loop
    • Nested loop
      Iterables in Python

    • range
    • list
    • str
    • tuple
    • set
    • dict
      Functions and Recursion

    • Function Introduction
    • Function call vs Function Definition
    • Predefined and user-defined functions
    • Ways to define a function
    • Takes nothing returns nothing
    • Take Something returns nothing
    • Takes Nothing Return Something
    • Take Something, Return Something
    • Default Arguments
    • Positional and keyword arguments
    • Variable Length Arguments
    • Recursion
    • Recursion Tree
    • Approach to recursive solution
    • Lambda expression
    • Recursive lambda expression
    • map, reduce, filter
      Object Oriented Programming

    • Introduction to OOP
    • Main aspects of OOP
    • Classes
    • Objects
    • __init__() method
    • Types of functions
    • Types of variables
    • Inheritance
    • Types of inheritance
    • Name conflict issue
    • Polymorphism
    • Data Mingling
      Exception Handling

    • Introduction to Exceptions
    • Handling Exceptions
    • Default Exceptions
    • use of else in exception handling
    • raising exceptions
      More in Python

    • Iterator
    • Generator
    • Decorator
    • File Handling

    Below content will be covered in LIVE classes

      Introduction to Web Development

    • Client Server Architecture
    • History of Web
    • Web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0
    • Front End and Back End

    • Introduction to HTML
    • HTML Document structure
    • Heading
    • Paragraph
    • Formatting Tags
    • title
    • comments
    • meta
    • anchor
    • image
    • table
    • lists
    • iFrames
    • div and span
    • block and inline
    • form
    • various input tags
    • emojis
    • video
    • audio

    • Introduction to CSS
    • CSS Syntax
    • Ways to write CSS
    • Text properties
    • Background Properties
    • Border Properties
    • Anchor Properties
    • more Properties
    • Box model
    • margin, padding, height, width
    • Position property
    • Combinators
    • Pseudo Classes
    • Website Layout Design

    • Introduction to JavaScript
    • Basics of JS: variables, strings, object and arrays
    • Control Statements
    • Functions in JS
    • DOM
    • Events
    • Event Handling
    • Form Validation

    • Introduction to React
    • Installation
    • creating first react app
    • JSX
    • components
    • Props
    • Events
    • Conditionals
    • list
    • forms
    • React Router
      Back End Development with Django

    • Django Introduction
    • Creating first project
    • Creating first app in the project
    • Defining views in the app
    • Multiple views in multiple apps
    • App level urls
    • Templates
    • Template Variables
    • Template Tags
    • Template Filters
    • Custom Template Tags and Filters
    • Database
    • Models
    • Make Migrations and Migrate
    • Admin App
    • using Forms
    • CRUD Operations
    • Session
    • Using React with Django
      Project Work

    • At least 25 Projects throughout the course
    • Project work is another way to cover many topics like API
    • Use of Git and GitHub

    How to take admission?

    Classes will start from 2-Apr-2024, before this date you will get all the lectures of Python Core

    Click here for admission

    C, C++ and DSA | Online LIVE

    C, C++ and DSA | ONLINE LIVE Classes

    Course Name
    C, C++ and DSA


    • No prior programming knowledge is required, just have a zeal to learn programming.
    • For online LIVE classes, you must have an account at | it’s free to create.
    • You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
    • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
    • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


    • 26 Feb 2024 to 30 Jul 2024 | Mon-Wed-Fri | 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM


    Saurabh Shukla


    Hindi | Notes in English



    Click here for admission

    Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


    • Course completion certificate
    • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
    • Programming Assignments | 700+ practice questions
    • Solution of Assignments with source code
    • Doubt handling during the course.
    • Discussion Forum
    • Logic Building Training
    • Object Oriented Programming
    • Standard Template Library
    • DSA using C++
    • Technical Support for the platform
    • Projects


      Introduction to C Language

    • Fundamentals of Computers
    • What is Programming
    • History of C Language
    • Version History
    • How software can be developed in C Language
    • IDE
    • Installation of VS Code
    • using IDE
    • First Program
      Basics of C Language

    • Tokens
    • white space
    • Constants
    • Variables
    • Keywords
    • Comments
    • Data Types
    • Variable Declarations
    • Output instruction in C
    • Input instruction in C
    • Operators in C
      Control Statements in C Language

    • Decision Control introduction
    • if statement
    • if else statement
    • conditional operator
    • Nested if else
    • if else ladder
    • Iterative Control
    • while loop
    • do while loop
    • for loop
    • break
    • continue
    • Nested loop
    • Star Pattern Problems
    • switch case control
    • menu driven programs
      Functions and Recursion

    • Function Introduction
    • Function call vs Function Definition
    • Predefined and user-defined functions
    • Flow of program containing multiple functions
    • Benefits of function
    • Ways to define a function
    • Takes nothing returns nothing
    • Take Something returns nothing
    • Takes Nothing Return Something
    • Take Something, Return Something
    • Header file and Library Files
    • Recursion
    • Recursion Tree
    • Approach to recursive solution
      Arrays and String

    • Array Introduction
    • Array Declaration Rules
    • Bound Checking
    • Sorting
    • Function Call by Passing Arrays
    • Two Dimensional Arrays
    • Multi-dimensional Arrays
    • Introduction to Strings
    • null character
    • user input
    • String Functions
    • Function Call by Passing String
    • Handling Multiple Strings
      Pointer Structure and DMA

    • Introduction to Pointer
    • concept of memory address
    • referencing and dereferencing operators
    • size of pointer
    • Concept of Base Address
    • Data type of pointer
    • extended concept of pointers
    • pointer’s arithmetic
    • Call by reference
    • Pointer and arrays
    • pointer and strings
    • array of pointers
    • pointer to an array
    • wild pointer
    • NULL pointer
    • Dangling pointer
    • void pointer
    • Structure Introduction
    • Primitive and Non primitive data type
    • defining structure
    • local definition vs global definition of structure
    • declaring structure variable
    • structure variable initialization during declaration
    • structure variable initialization after declaration
    • taking input from user
    • structure array
    • function returning structure
    • function call by passing structure
    • structure pointer
    • SMA vs DMA
    • malloc function
    • calloc function
    • Type casting
    • Memory Leak
    • free function
    • realloc function
      Basics of C++

    • History of C++
    • Version History of C++
    • Comparison with C
    • Introduction to OOP
    • Key Principles of OOP
    • Software development using C++
    • First C++ Program
    • cout statement
    • cin statement
    • iostream header
    • namespaces
    • using keyword
    • endl
      Functions in C++

    • inline function
    • default arguments
    • reference variables
    • Call by value
    • Call by address
    • Call by reference
    • Polymorphism
    • Function Overloading
      Classes and Objects

    • Structure in C vs Structure in C++
    • Encapsulation
    • Encapsulation through structure
    • Encapsulation through class
    • Classes and Objects
    • Access specifier
    • Instance Members
    • Static members
    • Function call by passing object and returning object
    • Function Polymorphism (Function overloading)
    • Constructor
    • Constructor overloading
    • Default constructor
    • Copy constructor
    • Destructor
    • Deep copy Vs swallow copy
    • Abstraction in c++
    • Data hiding in c++
    • Private constructor in C++
    • Private Destructor in C++
      Operator Overloading and friend

    • Operator Overloading
    • Overloading of pre and post increment operator
    • Friend Function
    • Friend operator
    • Benefits of Friend function
    • Overloading of insertion and extraction operator
    • Overloading of various other operators
      Memory Management with Pointers

    • What is Memory Management?
    • Why is memory management required?
    • Object Pointer
    • The this pointer
    • New Operator
    • Delete Operator
    • Memory Leak

    • C++ Inheritance
    • Advantage of C++ Inheritance
    • Types Of Inheritance
    • Single inheritance
    • Multiple inheritance
    • Hierarchical inheritance
    • Multilevel inheritance
    • Hybrid inheritance
    • Visibility mode in inheritance
    • Public , private and protected
    • Constructor and destructor in inheritance
    • Diamond problem
    • Function Overloading
    • Function overriding
    • Function hiding
    • Base pointer
    • Virtual function
    • Pure Virtual function
    • Abstract class in c++
    • Virtual destructor
      Exception Handling

    • History of Exception handling
    • Error Vs exception
    • Run time Exception and compile time Exception
    • C++ Standard Exceptions
    • Demo of exception one by one
    • Try
    • Catch
    • Throw
    • Catch all
    • Define New Exceptions
    • Handle Any Type of Exceptions
      File Management in C++

    • What is file handling?
    • Introduction to stream
    • ofstream
    • ifstream
    • fstream
    • Txt file vs binary file
    • Opening a File
    • Mode of file opening
    • Writing data to a File
    • appending data to a file
    • Reading data from a File
    • Close a File
    • Object by object reading and writing
    • Renaming a file
    • Removing a file
    • File Position Pointers
      Data Structures and its Implementation

    • Introduction to Data Structures
    • Why you should learn data structure?
    • use case of data structure
    • Why product based companies focus on data structure
      All About Arrays

    • Down side of using conventional arrays
    • Array data structure
    • Dynamic Arrays
      Linked List

    • Singly Linked List
    • Doubly Linked List
    • Circular Linked List
    • Circular Doubly Linked List
    • Various Problems on Linked Lists
      Stack and Queue

    • Stack Introduction
    • Implementation of Stack using arrays
    • Implementation of Stack using Linked List
    • Queue Introduction
    • Implementation of Queue using arrays
    • Implementation of Queue using Linked List
    • Deque – Double Ended Queue
    • Priority Queue
      Recursion and Backtracking

    • Recursion Basics
    • Approach to solve recursive problems
    • Recursion vs iteration
    • Types of recursion

    • Bubble Sort
    • Modified Bubble Sort
    • Selection Sort
    • Insertion Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Merge Sort
      Searching and Hashing

    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
    • Hashing

    • Binary Tree
    • Types of Binary Tree
    • Binary Search Tree
    • Implementation of Binary Search Tree
    • AVL Tree

    • Heap Introduction
    • Implementation of Heap
    • Heap Sort

    • Graph Concept
    • Graph Representation
    • BFS and DFS
      Types of Algorithms

    • Divide and Conquer
    • Greedy Method
    • Dynamic Programming
      Standard Template Library

    • Template
    • Overview of STL
    • Iterator
    • Types of Iterators
    • Sequence Containers
    • Vector
    • List
    • Deque
    • Arrays
    • forward_list
    • Container Adaptor
    • Queue
    • Priority Queue
    • Stack
    • Associative Containers
    • Set
    • Multiset
    • Map
    • Multimap
    • Unordered Associative Containers
    • Unordered set
    • Unordered multiset
    • Unordered map
    • Unordered multimap
    • Functors
    • Function Pointers
    • lambda
    • String
    • Pair
    • Tuple
    • Algorithms

    How to take admission?

    LIVE classes will start from 26th Feb 2024. You can attend LIVE class or even you can watch recordings of LIVE class any number of times just after the class till the subscription period.

    Click here for admission

    Don’t forget to use coupon code SAIT20 for 20% discount. this offer will end soon.

    Navigating The Code: A Comprehensive Career Roadmap in Computer Programming | Webinar

    Webinar Outline

    • Programming as a career
    • Career Options
    • Career Roadmap
    • Monetizing your programming skills
    • Questions and Answers – Session

    Who will be the speaker?

    Saurabh Shukla (MySirG)

    In which language webinar will be conducted?


    Why you should join this webinar?

    Computer programmers can earn anywhere from 2 lakhs per annum to 5+ crores per annum in a job, but the potential is unlimited. Familiarize yourself with the facts and possibilities in the field of computer programming.

    If you are confused how to begin your career in the field of computer programming and have multiple questions related to learning path, job prospects, etc then this is the session for you.

    Who can join?

    Whether you are a student (college or school), a working professional, or a non-working person, and you are curious to know if you can make a career in the field of programming, you should join this webinar. If you are in a dilemma about whether to choose programming as a career or not, you will get answers to your questions that will help you make the right decision.

    Don’t worry if you are from a non-computer background, uncomfortable with English, have a gap in studies, or possess poor academic records. If you are willing to create a better future, join this webinar.

    What is the duration of webinar

    1 – 1.5 hours

    Is this webinar free or paid?

    Paid ( INR 100/-)

    What are the benefits of attending this webinar?

    After attending this webinar, you will have a clear picture of various career options available in the field of computer programming. This will help you in setting your goals. You will also come to know about the proper learning path to reach your goal. While a job is just one thing on your mind, there are many other ways to monetize your skillset, which will give you a sense of financial security and confidence.

    How to join and attend the webinar?

    Click on the registration link given in the table below, which will navigate you to our premium website. If you are new to the website, you have to create an account (No fee for the account) and verify your email id by clicking on the confirmation link which you will receive on your email address just after creation of the account.

    You will see webinar registration page with “buy now” button, click on it to proceed with the payment

    Once you are done with the payment, you will see this webinar as a course in your account on the same website (

    On the date and time of the webinar, you will see a link in the course to join webinar. You can join via laptop or your mobile

    If you are going to attend this webinar through your mobile phone then download our premium app from Google play store

    What if I miss the LIVE session (webinar)?

    Recording of LIVE webinar will be available from 2 hours after the session ends. You can watch webinar recording till your subscription for the webinar not expires. Expiry date of the webinar in your account will be 31 days from the date of webinar conducted.

    Is it possible to get 1:1 guidance session from Saurabh Shukla Sir?

    We allow only limited registrations for the webinar, that is, we are limited with the seats, in order to handle everyone’s query. Even then if you feel that this time is not enough and you need a dedicated 1 to 1 consultation from Saurabh Sir then book an appointment here Date | Time Mode Registration Link
    1 19-Feb-2024 | 8:30 PM Online LIVE Enrol Now

    Python for Beginners | Online LIVE

    Python for Beginners (Core Python) | Online LIVE

    Course Name
    Python for Beginners


    • No prior programming knowledge is required, just have a zeal to learn programming.
    • You must have an account at | it’s free to create. This is the place from where you can watch all the video lessons, LIVE classes, Assignments, Notes, Certificate, etc.
    • To access course content from your laptop or computer, login to, go to your course and play videos or access other content
    • You can watch LIVE classes or lessons through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
    • Remember, our mobile app works only for Android phones. Web apps will work only on MS Windows and macOS through Chrome or MS Edge browser
    • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


    • 5 Dec 2023 to 5 Mar 2024 (Course will complete in this duration)
    • Tue-Thu (9 PM to 10:30 PM) and Fri (7:30 PM to 8:30 PM)


    Saurabh Shukla (MySirG)


    Hindi | Notes in English


    Click here for admission
    Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


    • Course completion certificate
    • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
    • 250+ Practice Problems through Assignments
    • Solution of Assignments
    • Project
    • Notes
    • Discussion Forum
    • Technical Support


      Introduction to Python

    • Evolution of Python Language
    • Version History
    • Installation and setup
    • PVM
    • How to develop and run Python programs?
      Python Basics

    • Comments
    • Data or Constants
    • Variables
    • Data Types
    • Memory Management
    • print Method
    • keywords
    • import
    • Type Conversion
    • Taking input from user
    • Operators
      Control Statements in Python

    • Decision Control Statements
    • if statement
    • if else statement
    • if elif else
    • Nested if else
    • Single line if else
    • match statement
    • Iterative Control
    • while loop
    • break, continue, pass
    • for loop
    • else with loop
    • Nested loop
      Iterables in Python

    • range
    • list
    • str
    • tuple
    • set
    • dict
      Functions and Recursion

    • Function Introduction
    • Function call vs Function Definition
    • Predefined and user-defined functions
    • Ways to define a function
    • Takes nothing returns nothing
    • Take Something returns nothing
    • Takes Nothing Return Something
    • Take Something, Return Something
    • Default Arguments
    • Positional and keyword arguments
    • Variable Length Arguments
    • Recursion
    • Recursion Tree
    • Approach to recursive solution
    • Lambda expression
    • Recursive lambda expression
    • map, reduce, filter
      Object Oriented Programming

    • Introduction to OOP
    • Main aspects of OOP
    • Classes
    • Objects
    • __init__() method
    • Types of functions
    • Types of variables
    • Inheritance
    • Types of inheritance
    • Name conflict issue
    • Polymorphism
    • Data Mingling
      Exception Handling

    • Introduction to Exceptions
    • Handling Exceptions
    • Default Exceptions
    • use of else in exception handling
    • raising exceptions
      More in Python

    • Iterator
    • Generator
    • Decorator
    • Making your class Iterable
    • File Handling
    • Project Work

    How to take admission?

    Classes will start from 5th Dec 2023 at 9 PM. You will get link to the LIVE class 2 hrs before the scheduled class time on you dashboard or inside the course page of Your subscription validity is two years from the date of purchase. Within this period, you have to download certificate of course completion

    Click here for admission

    DSA using Python

    DSA using Python | ONLINE LIVE Classes

    Course Name
    DSA using Python | ONLINE LIVE Classes


    • You must know Python Language, specially Classes and Objects, Data types, functions, control statements, etc.
    • For online LIVE classes, you must have an account at | it’s free to create.
    • You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
    • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
    • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


    • 10 Oct 2023 to 20 Dec 2023 | Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu at 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM


    Saurabh Shukla


    Hindi | Notes in English


    You can join this course for FREE. You need not to pay anything.
    Click here for admission
    If you find this course useful and wish to support us you can make an optional payment whenever you want.

    First study, learn and understand, once you are satisfied and love the content, and willing to pay then click on the below button:

    Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


    • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
    • Programming Assignments | 100+ practice questions
    • Solution of Assignments with source code
    • Doubt handling during the course.
    • Discussion Forum
    • Technical Support for the platform


      Data Structures and its Implementation

    • Introduction to Data Structures
    • Why you should learn data structure?
    • use case of data structure
    • Why product based companies focus on data structure
    • Asymptotic Notations
    • Time Complexity
      Linked List

    • Singly Linked List
    • Doubly Linked List
    • Circular Linked List
    • Circular Doubly Linked List
      Stack and Queue

    • Stack Introduction
    • Implementation of Stack
    • Queue Introduction
    • Implementation of Queue
    • Deque – Double Ended Queue
    • Priority Queue
      Recursion and Backtracking

    • Recursion Basics
    • Approach to solve recursive problems
    • Recursion vs iteration
    • Types of recursion

    • Bubble Sort
    • Modified Bubble Sort
    • Selection Sort
    • Insertion Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Merge Sort
      Searching and Hashing

    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
    • Hashing

    • Binary Tree
    • Types of Binary Tree
    • Binary Search Tree
    • Implementation of Binary Search Tree

    • Heap Introduction
    • Implementation of Heap
    • Heap Sort

    • Graph Concept
    • Graph Representation
    • BFS and DFS
      Types of Algorithms

    • Divide and Conquer
    • Greedy Method
    • Dynamic Programming

    How to take admission?

    LIVE classes will start from 10th Oct 2023. You can attend LIVE class on our youtube channel or even you can watch recordings of LIVE class any number of times just after the class till the subscription period from your course page (in

    Click here for admission

    DSA using C++

    DSA using C++ | ONLINE LIVE Classes

    Course Name
    DSA using C++ | ONLINE LIVE Classes


    • You must know C++ Language, specially Classes and Objects, Constructor, Destructor, Operator overloading, new, delete, etc.
    • For online LIVE classes, you must have an account at | it’s free to create.
    • You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
    • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
    • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


    • 27 Jul 2023 to 22 Sep 2023 | Tue-Thu at 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM. and Fri at 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM


    Saurabh Shukla


    Hindi | Notes in English


    Click here for admission
    Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


    • Course completion certificate
    • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
    • Programming Assignments | 200+ practice questions
    • Solution of Assignments with source code
    • Doubt handling during the course.
    • Discussion Forum
    • Technical Support for the platform


      Data Structures and its Implementation

    • Introduction to Data Structures
    • Why you should learn data structure?
    • use case of data structure
    • Why product based companies focus on data structure
      All About Arrays

    • Down side of using conventional arrays
    • Array data structure
    • Dynamic Arrays
      Linked List

    • Singly Linked List
    • Doubly Linked List
    • Circular Linked List
    • Circular Doubly Linked List
    • Various Problems on Linked Lists
      Stack and Queue

    • Stack Introduction
    • Implementation of Stack using arrays
    • Implementation of Stack using Linked List
    • Queue Introduction
    • Implementation of Queue using arrays
    • Implementation of Queue using Linked List
    • Deque – Double Ended Queue
    • Priority Queue
      Recursion and Backtracking

    • Recursion Basics
    • Approach to solve recursive problems
    • Recursion vs iteration
    • Types of recursion

    • Bubble Sort
    • Modified Bubble Sort
    • Selection Sort
    • Insertion Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Merge Sort
      Searching and Hashing

    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
    • Hashing

    • Binary Tree
    • Types of Binary Tree
    • Binary Search Tree
    • Implementation of Binary Search Tree

    • Heap Introduction
    • Implementation of Heap
    • Heap Sort

    • Graph Concept
    • Graph Representation
    • BFS and DFS
      Types of Algorithms

    • Divide and Conquer
    • Greedy Method
    • Dynamic Programming

    How to take admission?

    LIVE classes will start from 27th Jul 2023. You can attend LIVE class or even you can watch recordings of LIVE class any number of times just after the class till the subscription period.

    Click here for admission

    C, C++ and DSA

    C, C++ and DSA | ONLINE LIVE Classes

    Course Name
    C, C++ and DSA


    • No prior programming knowledge is required, just have a zeal to learn programming.
    • For online LIVE classes, you must have an account at | it’s free to create.
    • You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
    • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
    • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


    • 19 Jul 2023 to 15 Jan 2024 | Mon-Wed-Fri | 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM


    Saurabh Shukla


    Hindi | Notes in English


    Click here for admission

    Don’t forget to use coupon code SAIT20 for additional 20% discount. this offer will end soon.

    Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


    • Course completion certificate
    • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
    • Programming Assignments | 700+ practice questions
    • Solution of Assignments with source code
    • Doubt handling during the course.
    • Discussion Forum
    • Object Oriented Programming
    • Standard Template Library
    • DSA using C++
    • Technical Support for the platform
    • Projects


      Introduction to C Language

    • Fundamentals of Computers
    • What is Programming
    • History of C Language
    • Version History
    • How software developed in C Language
    • IDE
    • Installation of Code Blocks
    • Installation of VS Code
    • using IDE
    • First Program
      Basics of C Language

    • Tokens
    • white space
    • Constants
    • Variables
    • Keywords
    • Comments
    • Data Types
    • Variable Declarations
    • Output instruction in C
    • Input instruction in C
    • Operators in C
      Control Statements in C Language

    • Decision Control introduction
    • if statement
    • if else statement
    • conditional operator
    • Nested if else
    • if else ladder
    • Iterative Control
    • while loop
    • do while loop
    • for loop
    • break
    • continue
    • Nested loop
    • Star Pattern Problems
    • switch case control
    • menu driven programs
      Functions and Recursion

    • Function Introduction
    • Function call vs Function Definition
    • Predefined and user-defined functions
    • Flow of program containing multiple functions
    • Benefits of function
    • Ways to define a function
    • Takes nothing returns nothing
    • Take Something returns nothing
    • Takes Nothing Return Something
    • Take Something, Return Something
    • Header file and Library Files
    • Recursion
    • Recursion Tree
    • Approach to recursive solution
      Arrays and String

    • Array Introduction
    • Array Declaration Rules
    • Bound Checking
    • Sorting
    • Function Call by Passing Arrays
    • Two Dimensional Arrays
    • Multi-dimensional Arrays
    • Introduction to Strings
    • null character
    • user input
    • String Functions
    • Function Call by Passing String
    • Handling Multiple Strings
      Pointer Structure and DMA

    • Introduction to Pointer
    • concept of memory address
    • referencing and dereferencing operators
    • size of pointer
    • Concept of Base Address
    • Data type of pointer
    • extended concept of pointers
    • pointer’s arithmetic
    • Call by reference
    • Pointer and arrays
    • pointer and strings
    • array of pointers
    • pointer to an array
    • wild pointer
    • NULL pointer
    • Dangling pointer
    • void pointer
    • Structure Introduction
    • Primitive and Non primitive data type
    • defining structure
    • local definition vs global definition of structure
    • declaring structure variable
    • structure variable initialization during declaration
    • structure variable initialization after declaration
    • taking input from user
    • structure array
    • function returning structure
    • function call by passing structure
    • structure pointer
    • SMA vs DMA
    • malloc function
    • calloc function
    • Type casting
    • Memory Leak
    • free function
    • realloc function
      Basics of C++

    • History of C++
    • Version History of C++
    • Comparison with C
    • Introduction to OOP
    • Key Principles of OOP
    • Software development using C++
    • First C++ Program
    • cout statement
    • cin statement
    • iostream header
    • namespaces
    • using keyword
    • endl
      Functions in C++

    • inline function
    • default arguments
    • reference variables
    • Call by value
    • Call by address
    • Call by reference
    • Polymorphism
    • Function Overloading
      Classes and Objects

    • Structure in C vs Structure in C++
    • Encapsulation
    • Encapsulation through structure
    • Encapsulation through class
    • Classes and Objects
    • Access specifier
    • Instance Members
    • Static members
    • Function call by passing object and returning object
    • Function Polymorphism (Function overloading)
    • Constructor
    • Constructor overloading
    • Default constructor
    • Copy constructor
    • Destructor
    • Deep copy Vs swallow copy
    • Abstraction in c++
    • Data hiding in c++
    • Private constructor in C++
    • Private Destructor in C++
      Operator Overloading and friend

    • Operator Overloading
    • Overloading of pre and post increment operator
    • Friend Function
    • Friend operator
    • Benefits of Friend function
    • Overloading of insertion and extraction operator
    • Overloading of various other operators
      Memory Management with Pointers

    • What is Memory Management?
    • Why is memory management required?
    • Object Pointer
    • The this pointer
    • New Operator
    • Delete Operator
    • Memory Leak

    • C++ Inheritance
    • Advantage of C++ Inheritance
    • Types Of Inheritance
    • Single inheritance
    • Multiple inheritance
    • Hierarchical inheritance
    • Multilevel inheritance
    • Hybrid inheritance
    • Visibility mode in inheritance
    • Public , private and protected
    • Constructor and destructor in inheritance
    • Diamond problem
    • Function Overloading
    • Function overriding
    • Function hiding
    • Base pointer
    • Virtual function
    • Pure Virtual function
    • Abstract class in c++
    • Virtual destructor
      Exception Handling

    • History of Exception handling
    • Error Vs exception
    • Run time Exception and compile time Exception
    • C++ Standard Exceptions
    • Demo of exception one by one
    • Try
    • Catch
    • Throw
    • Catch all
    • Define New Exceptions
    • Handle Any Type of Exceptions
      File Management in C++

    • What is file handling?
    • Introduction to stream
    • ofstream
    • ifstream
    • fstream
    • Txt file vs binary file
    • Opening a File
    • Mode of file opening
    • Writing data to a File
    • appending data to a file
    • Reading data from a File
    • Close a File
    • Object by object reading and writing
    • Renaming a file
    • Removing a file
    • File Position Pointers
      Data Structures and its Implementation

    • Introduction to Data Structures
    • Why you should learn data structure?
    • use case of data structure
    • Why product based companies focus on data structure
      All About Arrays

    • Down side of using conventional arrays
    • Array data structure
    • Dynamic Arrays
      Linked List

    • Singly Linked List
    • Doubly Linked List
    • Circular Linked List
    • Circular Doubly Linked List
    • Various Problems on Linked Lists
      Stack and Queue

    • Stack Introduction
    • Implementation of Stack using arrays
    • Implementation of Stack using Linked List
    • Queue Introduction
    • Implementation of Queue using arrays
    • Implementation of Queue using Linked List
    • Deque – Double Ended Queue
    • Priority Queue
      Recursion and Backtracking

    • Recursion Basics
    • Approach to solve recursive problems
    • Recursion vs iteration
    • Types of recursion

    • Bubble Sort
    • Modified Bubble Sort
    • Selection Sort
    • Insertion Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Merge Sort
      Searching and Hashing

    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
    • Hashing
    • Implementation of Hashing

    • Binary Tree
    • Types of Binary Tree
    • Binary Search Tree
    • Implementation of Binary Search Tree
    • AVL Tree

    • Heap Introduction
    • Implementation of Heap
    • Heap Sort

    • Graph Concept
    • Graph Representation
    • BFS and DFS
      Types of Algorithms

    • Divide and Conquer
    • Greedy Method
    • Dynamic Programming
      Standard Template Library

    • Template
    • Overview of STL
    • Iterator
    • Types of Iterators
    • Sequence Containers
    • Vector
    • List
    • Deque
    • Arrays
    • forward_list
    • Container Adaptor
    • Queue
    • Priority Queue
    • Stack
    • Associative Containers
    • Set
    • Multiset
    • Map
    • Multimap
    • Unordered Associative Containers
    • Unordered set
    • Unordered multiset
    • Unordered map
    • Unordered multimap
    • Functors
    • Function Pointers
    • lambda
    • String
    • Pair
    • Tuple
    • Algorithms

    How to take admission?

    LIVE classes will start from 19th Jul 2023. You can attend LIVE class or even you can watch recordings of LIVE class any number of times just after the class till the subscription period.

    Click here for admission

    Don’t forget to use coupon code SAIT20 for additional 20% discount. this offer will end soon.

    Data Structures and Algorithms using Java

    Data Structures and Algorithms using Java

    Course Name

    Data Structures and Algorithms using Java

    Mode of Teaching

    Self-paced course


    Saurabh Shukla

    Medium of Teaching



    • You must know Java language, as all the programs during the course will be implemented in Java language only
    • Recommended topics of Java language for the revision are Classes and Objects, Constructors, Inheritance, static, arrays, Strings and exception handling
    • You can watch LIVE classes or recordings of LIVE classes through laptop. Login to, go to your course and play videos or LIVE classes
    • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
    • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home


    Content will be available from 10 June 2023. By the end of June all videos will be published

    Subscription Validity: 2 years from the date of purchase

    Subscription validity is a time period to access LIVE class recordings, assignments, certificate download, discussion forum, etc.


    INR 3000/-

    Use coupon code SAIT20 for 20% discount

    Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


    • You can access these recordings any number of times during the subscription period
    • Course Completion Certificate
    • Implementation of most of the data structures (specified in the syllabus) in Java language
    • Video solutions of all the assignments with explanation
    • Discussion Forum
    • Assignments: 150+ Practice Problems


  • Introduction to Data Structure
  • Array and its implementation
  • Dynamic Array and its implementation
  • singly linked list
  • doubly linked list
  • circular linked list
  • circular doubly linked list
  • stack and its implementation(using array and linked list)
  • queue and its implementation (using array and linked list)
  • Recursion
  • binary search tree and its implementation
  • Heap
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Hashing
  • graph and its implementation
  • Time Complexity
  • Types of Algorithms
  • Admissions will start from 9th June 2023

    Click here for admission

    Don’t forget to use coupon code SAIT20 for 20% discount. This offer is for limited time.