Full Stack Web Development Masterclass Batch 2.0

Full Stack Web Development Masterclass Batch 2.0 | Online LIVE

Course Name
Full Stack Web Development Masterclass | Python-React-Django-Projects


  • No prior programming knowledge is required, just have a zeal to learn programming. Although we always recommend you to learn C language first to build your problem solving ability.
  • You must have an account at https://premium.mysirg.com | it’s free to create. This is the place from where you can watch all the video lessons, LIVE classes, Assignments, Notes, Certificate, etc.
  • To access course content from your laptop of computer, login to https://premium.mysirg.com, go to your course and play videos or access other content
  • You can watch classes through Android mobile too – Search app with the name “MySirG Premium” on Google play store
  • Remember, our mobile app works only for Android phones. Web apps will work only on MS Windows and macOS through Chrome or MS Edge browser
  • Laptop or desktop computer is required for programming practice at home.


  • 23 Sep 2024 to 20 Feb 2025 (Live classes duration)
  • Mon-Wed-Fri | 9 PM to 10:00 PM
  • Subscription of the course will be for 2 yrs from the date of purchase


Saurabh Shukla


Hindi | Notes in English


Making payment means you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions. Read them carefully.


  • Course completion certificate
  • Video recordings will be available for the revision for 730 days (2 years) from the date of purchase
  • 25+ Projects
  • Complete Python course (Python Core) in LIVE classes
  • Object Oriented Python
  • Covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
  • Django Web Framework
  • ORM: Object Relational Mapper
  • SQLite Database
  • 50 Assignments with Solutions
  • Notes (downloadable pdf)
  • Doubt Handling in LIVE classes during the syllabus completion tenure
  • Discussion Forum
  • Technical Support

Below content will be covered in prerecorded videos

    Introduction to Python

  • Evolution of Python Language
  • Version History
  • Installation and setup
  • PVM
  • How to develop and run Python programs?
    Python Basics

  • Comments
  • Data or Constants
  • Variables
  • Data Types
  • Memory Management
  • print Method
  • keywords
  • import
  • Type Conversion
  • Taking input from user
  • Operators
    Control Statements in Python

  • Decision Control Statements
  • if statement
  • if else statement
  • if elif else
  • Nested if else
  • Single line if else
  • match statement
  • Iterative Control
  • while loop
  • break, continue, pass
  • for loop
  • else with loop
  • Nested loop
    Iterables in Python

  • range
  • list
  • str
  • tuple
  • set
  • dict
    Functions and Recursion

  • Function Introduction
  • Function call vs Function Definition
  • Predefined and user-defined functions
  • Ways to define a function
  • Takes nothing returns nothing
  • Take Something returns nothing
  • Takes Nothing Return Something
  • Take Something, Return Something
  • Default Arguments
  • Positional and keyword arguments
  • Variable Length Arguments
  • Recursion
  • Recursion Tree
  • Approach to recursive solution
  • Lambda expression
  • Recursive lambda expression
  • map, reduce, filter
    Object Oriented Programming

  • Introduction to OOP
  • Main aspects of OOP
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • __init__() method
  • Types of functions
  • Types of variables
  • Inheritance
  • Types of inheritance
  • Name conflict issue
  • Polymorphism
  • Data Mingling
    Exception Handling

  • Introduction to Exceptions
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Default Exceptions
  • use of else in exception handling
  • raising exceptions
    More in Python

  • Iterator
  • Generator
  • Decorator
  • File Handling

Below content will be covered in LIVE classes

    Introduction to Web Development

  • Client Server Architecture
  • History of Web
  • Front End and Back End

  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML Document structure
  • Heading
  • Paragraph
  • Formatting Tags
  • title
  • comments
  • meta
  • anchor
  • image
  • table
  • lists
  • iFrames
  • div and span
  • block and inline
  • form
  • various input tags
  • emojis
  • video
  • audio

  • Introduction to CSS
  • CSS Syntax
  • Ways to write CSS
  • Text properties
  • Background Properties
  • Border Properties
  • Anchor Properties
  • more Properties
  • Box model
  • margin, padding, height, width
  • Position property
  • Combinators
  • Pseudo Classes
  • Website Layout Design
  • Flexbox

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Basics of JS: variables, strings, object and arrays
  • Control Statements
  • Functions in JS
  • DOM
  • Events
  • Event Handling
  • Form Validation

  • Introduction to React
  • Installation
  • creating first react app
  • JSX
  • components
  • Props
  • Events
  • Conditionals
  • list
  • forms
  • React Router
    Back End Development with Django

  • Django Introduction
  • Creating first project
  • Creating first app in the project
  • Defining views in the app
  • Multiple views in multiple apps
  • App level urls
  • Templates
  • Template Variables
  • Template Tags
  • Template Filters
  • Custom Template Tags and Filters
  • Database
  • Models
  • Make Migrations and Migrate
  • Admin App
  • using Forms
  • CRUD Operations
  • Session
  • Using React with Django
    Project Work

  • At least 25 Projects throughout the course
  • Project work is another way to cover many topics like API
  • Use of Git and GitHub

How to take admission?

Classes will start from 23-Sep-2024. Admission link will come here on 25 Aug 2024